IT Security Check Up


With our security check up we can check for ways that hackers would try to exploit your systems. We will then patch and secure all vulnerabilities.



With hackers constantly looking for ways to steal and cause damage it’s more important than ever to be sure your computer and network is fully secured. Everyday 1000s of people’s computers are infected by malicious software built by hackers and sensitive data is stolen or locked behind ransomware.

Security best practices will keep your systems safe, but require these essential components:

  1. Proper Hardware & Software: Keep updated modems and routers from your ISP and run updates on all Anti-Virus and Operating Systems. 
  2. Proper Settings Configured: Best settings would include regular scans, WiFi Security configuration, and Firewall configurations.
  3. Regular Maintenance and Testing: With regular maintenance and periodic testing you can be confident your network and systems are secure.